Transform The Wolfe is an informational resource to provide more information about transforming one of Asheville’s most treasured building into a home for music, arts, and entertainment in our community for future generations.
Transform The Wolfe is an informational resource to provide more information about transforming one of Asheville’s most treasured building into a home for music, arts, and entertainment in our community for future generations.
Conceptual design images and information will be released on the evening of January 15, 2020 at a public information session held at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. Please feel free to register in advance for this meeting by visiting Pre-registration is not required.
Find the latest press release here.
By no means is the concept of renovating the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium or building a new performance center a new idea. For decades there have been periodic requests from staff, community organizations and media outlets for renovations to this facility.
In fiscal year 2017, Asheville City Council approved $500,000 in capital funds towards creation of an initial design and budget development for a renovation of the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium.
Additionally in fiscal year 2017, Asheville City Council approved a $2 per vehicle increase in special event parking fees, with the increase directly dedicated to the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium Improvement fund. The current balance of this fund is $140,000.
2017 – Council approved funding towards creation of initial design and budget development for renovations to Thomas Wolfe Auditorium.
2017 – Council approves a $2 per vehicle increase in special event parking fees dedicated to Thomas Wolfe Improvement Fund.
October 2018 – RFQ issued to select a qualified design team.
February 2019 – Earl Swensson Associates, Inc., an architecture firm based in Nashville, TN to complete a stakeholder needs analysis, conceptual design and base budget. ESa has acted a the lead firm on numerous theater renovation and construction projects, highlighted by the Charleston Gaillard Center in Charleston, SC and the Schemerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville, TN.
January 2020 – Presentation of conceptual designs to community
2005: Civic Center Report by the John Lock Foundation
2005: Thomas Wolfe Recommendations by Theatre Consultants Collaborative
2006: Economic Impact Study by Western Carolina University
2015: Capital Campaign Feasibility Analysis by Western Carolina University Management Students.
2015: Facility Wide Energy Assessment Report by Griffin Engineering
2016: Economic Impact Study by Western Carolina University
2016: Facility Wide Security Assessment by Asheville Police Department
2016: Structural, Acoustical & Costings Report by Threshold Acoustics
Current Physical State of the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, in photos.
Original & Vintage photos of the Auditorium site prior to construction of the Civic Arena
2019: Thomas Wolfe Auditorium Public Input Survey
Chris Corl, General Manager, Harrah’s Cherokee Center - Asheville
Dustin Clemens, Program Manager, Capital Projects